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December 11, 2019

Dirt Bike vs. Motorcycle: The Difference According to Your Insurer

For bike enthusiasts, dirt bikes and motorcycles are as different as cars and horses, but your bike is technically going to be considered a motorcycle by your insurer. That means your dirt bike could need to be covered under motorcycle insurance. Your insurer also draws a line between dirt bikes and motorcycles in several other […]
September 26, 2019

What Is the Best Car Insurance for a New Vehicle?

New car insurance is one of the most important decisions you will make regarding your new vehicle. Make sure it is a good one by comparing the options in auto insurance available to you. It’s always important to have a policy that minimizes your financial risks and keeps your new investment safe. What should your […]
August 13, 2019

Home Insurance For Your Duplex

Owning a duplex can provide several benefits to you. It means you can live in one side and rent the other, if you like. Owning real estate means you need to have proper home insurance coverage, however. With the rental factor, duplex home insurance can be a bit different. With more people buying these properties […]
July 15, 2019

What Happens When the Police Don’t Know Who’s at Fault

An accident occurs. The police arrive on the scene to talk to each of the involved parties. Most often, the assigned police officer makes a decision about fault even at the scene. They determine who they should assign fault to based on the evidence at the scene and witness statements. This has insurance ramifications. However, […]
June 28, 2019

A Tree Falls On My Rental Property, Whose Insurance Pays For Damages?

Falling trees don’t care what is below them. They land where they fall. If it is on your rental home, then a lot of costly damage could result. The question is, who pays if a tree falls on a rental property? Rental properties contain assets belonging to both the landlord and the tenant. Therefore, damage […]
March 28, 2019

What to Do If Your Auto Insurance Premium Is Rising

Auto insurance costs are not something anyone wants to pay more for year-after-year. Yet, rate increases are common. Inflation is one of the biggest factors to these rate increases. However, most policies are all about you and how risky you are as a driver. There is help for you if you want to find a […]
February 18, 2019

A Brief Overview of The Bond Industry

If you have ever worked with a contractor, you might have heard them tell you that they are a bonded business. If you are a contractor yourself, you might also see in contracts that you must prevent proof of bonding. What is a bond? How does it work? Bonds are part of a wide and […]
January 4, 2019

Is It Best to Purchase All Types of Auto Insurance for Your Car?

There are numerous types of auto insurance. Each provides a different layer of protection for you, other drivers, and your vehicle. Every person should customize their policy to match their needs. How can you do so? Policy needs change from person to person. It is wise to work with your car insurance agent to learn […]
December 14, 2018

Damaged Furniture from Flooding – Will Insurance Cover the Cost?

Flooding can be disastrous for many property owners. A simple broken water line can create thousands of dollars’ worth of loss in a matter of minutes. Your home furniture may be a part of this. Often, when furniture gets wet from floodwaters of any type, it is impossible to clean and restore. You may wish […]
November 8, 2018

Car Insurance Lawsuits – What Support Your Policy Offers

A car insurance lawsuit can occur. If you are in an accident that causes injury to another, you may find the other driver filing a lawsuit against you. This can be freighting and overwhelming. However, your auto insurance policy may provide some of the support you need. In most cases, the insurer handles the process […]

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